Physical Therapy For Scoliosis

A Center For Scoliosis Alignment
Based in Southern California, we specialize in non-surgical treatments of scoliosis using the Schroth Method, manual therapy techniques, and Schroth based strengthening exercises.


Almonte Physical Therapy & Schroth

Almonte Physical Therapy dedicates our services to preventing the progression of scoliosis and the need for surgery. Our mission is to protect people of all ages and provide them with care for body and mind. We prioritize your individual needs through scoliosis-specific exercises based on your curve type, age, and physical abilities. Our caring team will guide you to make long-lasting changes for a better life. Our clients are physically, emotionally, and verbally supported through Almonte Physical Therapy treatment in Riverside, California.

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Causes Breathing Difficulty


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Almonte Physical Therapy & Schroth

About Us:

Almonte Physical Therapy & Schroth reduces the need for surgical treatments using the Schroth™ Method, manual therapy techniques, and strengthening exercises. Scoliosis has various shapes and curves depending on the individual, but Almonte Physical Therapy & Schroth can assist all clients in any condition. We have passionately helped those with spinal issues and scoliosis for over 27 years. Our experience and certifications in manual therapy techniques utilizing the Schroth™ Method have earned us the title of leading physical therapist in Southern California. Through our decades of care, we have mastered the art of alignment.

Almonte Physical Therapy & Schroth uses the Schroth™ Method to handle all three planes of motion in order to treat deformities thoroughly. We go beyond typical two-dimensional exercises to provide the best physical therapy possible for our clients. The Schroth™ Method utilizes driven active movements to align postures and stabilize the spine. Our long term treatment not only slows the progression of curves, it improves respiration, function, and self-image while reducing pain.

Our History:

Almonte Physical Therapy & Schroth owner Cindy Almonte is a certified Schroth™ therapist with 20 years of experience in orthopedic and spine injuries. Cindy opened her first practice in 2006 in order to dedicate more time to her patients. She pursued Schroth™ therapy to work closer with scoliosis patients and the complexities that came with it. Her passion is witnessing patients undergo life-changing results and improved wellbeing from their spinal alignment. Cindy strives to maintain a sanctuary for people with scoliosis and provide resources for her patients in all aspects of life.

Why It's Important

Positivity Icon

We encourage your growth through constant motivation. Our support extends past spinal alignment and into overall wellbeing.

Alignment Icon

We aim to prevent surgery by utilizing Schroth™ exercises for teenage and adult scoliosis treatment.

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Our team cares for our clients and offers group physical therapy sessions. You aren’t embarking the journey of improvement alone.

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Whether you are a dancer, athlete, or simply seeking treatment for scoliosis, you can find help and improvement at Almonte Physical Therapy.

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Almonte Physical Therapy significantly improves spine curvature and strives to prevent the need for surgery. We’ve helped even the most drastic of curves and posture issues.


Contact Us Today!

Almonte Physical Therapy & Schroth has everything…except you! We specialize in non-surgical treatments of scoliosis using the Schroth Method, manual therapy techniques, and Schroth based strengthening exercises.

Almonte Physical Therapy & Schroth

4181 Flat Rock Rd, Suite 200 Riverside, CA 92505
26300 La Alameda, Suite 120 Mission Viejo, CA 92691

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